We report a laboratory scale combined absorption and adsorption chemical process to remove contaminants from anaerobically\nproduced biogas using cafeteria (food), vegetable, fruit, and cattle manure wastes. Iron oxide (Fe2O3), zero valent iron (Feo), and\niron chloride (FeCl2) react with hydrogen sulfide (H2S) to deposit colloidal sulfur. Silica gel, sodiumsulfate (Na2SO4), and calcium\noxide (CaO) reduce the water vapour (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2). It is possible to upgrade methane (CH4) above 95% in\nbiogas using chemical or physical absorption or adsorption process. The removal efficiency of CO2, H2S, and H2O depends on the\nmass of removing agent and system pH. The results showed that Ca(OH)2 solutions are capable of reducing CO2 below 6%. The\nH2S concentration was reduced to 89%, 90%, 86%, 85%, and 96% for treating with 10 g of FeCl2, Feo (with pH), Fe2O3, Feo, and\nactivated carbon, respectively. The H2O concentration was reduced to 0.2%, 0.7%, 0.2%, 0.2%, and 0.3% for treating raw biogas\nwith 10 g of silica gel and Na2SO4 for runs R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5, respectively.Thus, given the successful contaminant elimination,\nthe combined absorption and adsorption process is a feasible system for biogas purification